We are close to release Orchid, the new Framework

24 thoughts on “We are close to release Orchid, the new Framework”

  1. Congratulations!!!

    আমি তো এতো কিছু বুঝি না। আগে পিএইচপিরে কেক বানাইয়া খাওয়াইতো, অহন ফুল বানাইয়া হাতে ধরাইতে চান। খাওয়া-দাওয়াই তো ভালো ছিলো! কালে কালে যে কত কিছু আইবো আর যাইবো। আমাগো হাসিন ভাইরা যে খেল দেহাইতেছে। আমারো কিছু দেখাইতে ইচ্ছা করে। কিন্তু হাসিন ভাইয়ের সাথে টেক্কা দেওয়া বড়ই টাফ। যা একখান চিজ। মনে হয় দিনের ৪৮ ঘন্টাই কাজ করে।

  2. Stefan, I was prepared for such a question. I was (well, still am) a big fan of CodeIgniter. But If you go thru their code you will be sure that when they designed their framework, performance was not their main concern.

    For code igniter, It is too much strict.

    For Zend – I am a big fan of it.

    For Symfony – OOps, Did you try it yourself? Setting up a simple app (without their sandbox version) is something called a real “pain”

    And Why Orchid? Just thought it could be something for the rest of us. Superfast, Lightweight and Flexible.

  3. I am very much interested to work with new framework. Hope this will be easier for me as I am a newbie. I just tried a little bit with phpcake.

    Great Hasin bhai for your new invention.

  4. @mikko, these days most of the php install has short tags enabled by default in php.ini. Personally I feel it easy to work with short tags. So it went that way.

  5. I think that using short tags in framework is very bad idea. If hosting provider have disabled short tags than this fw is not useful. If you cant add three more chars after <? then you are a very lazy man 😉 🙂 I think, that before the final release will be out, you should remove the short tags 😉

    Just my opinion 😛 But for sure I will try it 😉

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